Tuesday 9 May 2017

Pretty Eyes!
So this is the list that improve our eyesight 


Salmon is a food that contains a lot of important nutrients that help to aid both brainpower and eye health. Some of these include omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin A and vitamin D.

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Dark chocolate

If you enjoy eating chocolate, you’ll be delighted to know that it is said to be very good in terms of improving your eyesight. This is because this treat enables you to increase your flavonoid intake, which in turn helps with the protection of your eye blood vessels. This in turn helps to protect and strengthen the cornea and lenses of your eyes.
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Carrots, along with a range of other yellow and orange fruit and vegetables, can help to provide you with beta-carotene, which is not only able to provide eye protection from sun damage but also good for the retina.

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Eggs are not only a great breakfast food and addition to other recipes but they also contain a range of valuable nutrients that can help when it comes to the health of your eyes. The yolks are the main parts that provide these nutrients and the darker the yolk the higher the level of nutrition.


Not only is this a great food to help with eyesight improvement but it also offers a range of additional health benefits. It is easy to add this to your diet, as you can simply use it to flavour and enhance dishes. Garlic is able to aid the body with the production of antioxidants thanks to its rich sulphur levels, and this in turn can help to provide protection for the lenses of the eyes.

Image result for garlic gif


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